Recent content by KatieBKMG

  1. KatieBKMG

    What's your non-gecko job?

  2. KatieBKMG

    What's your non-gecko job?

    Currently: a student to become a veterinarian technician, a part time stay at home mom, and the person that takes care of the animals throughout the day. 😂
  3. KatieBKMG

    Feeding response with roaches?

    Both our Chahoua(25gF and 40gM) will take anything that moves in front of their face; and it doesn't seem like that will stop any time soon. Usually it's a dubia roach or superworm, but they have had crickets, silkworms, and hornworms as well. *We tong feed both of them so they associate the...
  4. KatieBKMG

    What Caging Do You Use?

    We currently use plastic tubs for our two. Haven't decided yet on PVC, glass, or plastic for their final enclosure together. Both on partial bios; just no live plants currently.
  5. KatieBKMG

    What fruit diet are you currently feeding your chahoua?

    We feed different Pangea diets every three days or so and bugs three or four times per week. Essentially as many gut loaded bugs as our two want.