Recent content by Speleomander

  1. S

    Overproducing female

    I've got a female PI from large parents in the 90 gram range that started producing eggs frequently at a small size (45 grams or so) early last year. After 3 consecutive infertile clutches, she was obviously not stopping, so I paired her with a male and started getting fertile eggs. I got 4...
  2. S

    Contents of Reptile Yolk Sacs?

    I believe it is mainly lipids and proteins, but also contains vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.
  3. S

    Lineage and selective breeding

    This is interesting to me, because the idea behind selective breeding is to use animals expressing desirable traits and breed them to other animals expressing those traits. That's why using the "ugly clutchmate" because it has good genetics seems counterintuitive to me. An animal expressing...
  4. S

    Lineage and selective breeding

    I'm going to use white collar as an example here, but a variety of desirable traits could be used interchangeably. For the sake of discussion though, let's say you're trying to selectively breed for white collars. When choosing your breeders, would you go for one with a big white collar that...
  5. S

    Breeding for size - 70g and above?

    How fast do your big chahoua reach those sizes (are they already extra large as yearlings)? I recently picked up a female who hit 50 grams before her first birthday and her mother is 85 grams. I'm hoping she'll be a big adult as well, but not sure if she's on track. For comparison, I hatched...
  6. S

    hatchling color change over time?

    My holdbacks aren't quite far enough along to be showing adult coloration yet, so my pictures are no help, but I've noticed the same thing. It seems a fair number of hatchlings are produced that don't end up strongly resembling either parent or even looking like an obvious mix of the two...
  7. S

    For Sale: Probable female PI

    I've got a 22 gram PI from a Cemelli x Hamper pairing that isn't showing any pores. "She" hatched in mid October and is growing quickly. Parents are pictured last. $950 shipped