- Messages
- 132
- Location
- Toledo, OH
This is our directory is to help our group members locate websites or other means to procure a chahoua closer to themselves, and also just allow us to follow and watch breeders pages in case animals don't make it to our forum. If you're wanting to be added to this list, please send me a PM and I will edit this post as this is a closed posted, we don't want to have the website keep sending alerts to people on this post causing them to think they might have someone interested in a sale.
So when you want to be added, copy and past the format below and send it to me, I will edit this post to add your business onto the list.
Since this section is strictly chahoua, we ask that your locales indicate just chahoua information
Business Name:
Countries that you ship to:
United States
Name: Melissa Walker
Business Name: Sublime Reptiles
Website/Facebook/IG: http://sublimereptiles.com/index.html , www.facebook.com/sublimereptiles , https://www.instagram.com/sublime_reptiles/
Locales: PI only
Country/State/Providence: USA, Ohio
Countries that you ship to: Worldwide
Name: Ralph & Susan Strzalkowski
Business Name: The Stoned Gecko
Website/Facebook/IG: The Stoned Gecko Locales:
Locales: P.I. Only
Country/State/Providence: Illinois
Countries that you ship to: USA
Name: Jeffrey Deiuliis
Business Name: ELS geckos
Website/Facebook/IG: www.elsgeckos.com , www.instagram.com/eyeslikesauron , www.facebook.com/eyeslikesauron
Locales: Mainland & Pine Island
Country/State/Providence: USA/Ohio
Countries that you ship to: USA and China
Name: Daniel DonJuan Martin
Business Name: Kryptic Morphs
Website/Facebook/IG: www.facebook.com/KrypticMorphs
Locales: Pine Isle & Mainland
Country/State/Providence: USA, NY
Countries that you ship to: worldwide
Name: John Christensen
Business Name: Jasper Sailfin Geckos
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Jasper-Sailfin-Geckos-194722277236377/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jasper-Sailfin-Geckos-194722277236377/
Locales: Pine Island
Country/State/Providence: USA/Michigan
Countries that you ship to: USA
Name: Mike Lopes
Business Name: SuperFly Geckos
Facebook: facebook.com/superflygeckos
Locales: PI
Country/State/Providence: Canada/Toronto
Countries that you ship to: Canada and US
Name: Erica Perras
Business Name: Arboreals Anonymous
Website: https://arboreals-anonymous.square.site/home
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Arboreals-Anonymous-154738758552983
Locales: PI
Country/State/Providence: NV, USA
Countries that you ship to: Continental US, HAMM show
Name: Tracy Saltmarsh & Josh Dovenbarger
Business name: Phantom Dragons, Inc
Facebook: @phantomdragons
Website: Phantomdragonsinc.com
Locales: Isle of Pines and Grand Terre
Country/State/Providence: California, USA
Countries that you ship to: Worldwide shipping
Name: Brittany Weir-Bouchard
Business Name: Brittany Weir’s Geckos
Instagram: brittany_weirs_geckos
Locales: ML and PI
Country/State/Providence: MA, USA
Countries that you ship to: U.S
Name: Erin (Airen Hirschy)
Business Name: E.T. Geckos
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/etgeckos/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/etgeckos/
Locales: PI Only
Country/State/Providence: IL, USA
Countries that you ship to: USA
Name: Kevin Cantrell
Business Name: Passport Herpetoculture
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/passportherp/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/passportherp/
Locales: Isle of Pines
Country/State/Providence: California, USA
Countries that you ship to: USA
Name: Kyle & Krystal Salzmann
Business Name: Gekkonidazed Geckos
Website: https://www.gekkonidazed.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gekkonidazed/
Locales: Pine Island only
Country/State/Providence: Wisconsin, USA
Countries that you ship to: willing to ship to any approved exporter
Name: Serena Occhino
Business Name: Canvas Geckos
Website/Facebook- http://www.canvasgeckos.com https://www.facebook.com/canvasgeckos
Locales: GT & PI
Country/State/Providence: USA, Maryland
Countries that you ship to: Worldwide
Name: Neil Meister
Business Name: Geckomeister Captive-bred Geckos
Website:/Facebook: @Geckomeister.cbgeckos
Locales: PI and ML
Country/State/Providence: Nova Scotia, Canada
Countries that you ship to: Canada, US, Europe, Hong Kong, South Korea
Name: Nicola Shields
Business Name: Pocket Dragon Geckos NI
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pocket.dragon.geckos.4.n.i/
Locales: P.I. and mixed locale
Country/State/Providence: Northern Ireland/ Belfast/ United Kingdom.
Countries that you ship to: Ireland / Europe.
South America
South Pacific
Africa/Middle East
So when you want to be added, copy and past the format below and send it to me, I will edit this post to add your business onto the list.
Since this section is strictly chahoua, we ask that your locales indicate just chahoua information
Business Name:
Countries that you ship to:
United States
Name: Melissa Walker
Business Name: Sublime Reptiles
Website/Facebook/IG: http://sublimereptiles.com/index.html , www.facebook.com/sublimereptiles , https://www.instagram.com/sublime_reptiles/
Locales: PI only
Country/State/Providence: USA, Ohio
Countries that you ship to: Worldwide
Name: Ralph & Susan Strzalkowski
Business Name: The Stoned Gecko
Website/Facebook/IG: The Stoned Gecko Locales:
Locales: P.I. Only
Country/State/Providence: Illinois
Countries that you ship to: USA
Name: Jeffrey Deiuliis
Business Name: ELS geckos
Website/Facebook/IG: www.elsgeckos.com , www.instagram.com/eyeslikesauron , www.facebook.com/eyeslikesauron
Locales: Mainland & Pine Island
Country/State/Providence: USA/Ohio
Countries that you ship to: USA and China
Name: Daniel DonJuan Martin
Business Name: Kryptic Morphs
Website/Facebook/IG: www.facebook.com/KrypticMorphs
Locales: Pine Isle & Mainland
Country/State/Providence: USA, NY
Countries that you ship to: worldwide
Name: John Christensen
Business Name: Jasper Sailfin Geckos
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Jasper-Sailfin-Geckos-194722277236377/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jasper-Sailfin-Geckos-194722277236377/
Locales: Pine Island
Country/State/Providence: USA/Michigan
Countries that you ship to: USA
Name: Mike Lopes
Business Name: SuperFly Geckos
Facebook: facebook.com/superflygeckos
Locales: PI
Country/State/Providence: Canada/Toronto
Countries that you ship to: Canada and US
Name: Erica Perras
Business Name: Arboreals Anonymous
Website: https://arboreals-anonymous.square.site/home
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Arboreals-Anonymous-154738758552983
Locales: PI
Country/State/Providence: NV, USA
Countries that you ship to: Continental US, HAMM show
Name: Tracy Saltmarsh & Josh Dovenbarger
Business name: Phantom Dragons, Inc
Facebook: @phantomdragons
Website: Phantomdragonsinc.com
Locales: Isle of Pines and Grand Terre
Country/State/Providence: California, USA
Countries that you ship to: Worldwide shipping
Name: Brittany Weir-Bouchard
Business Name: Brittany Weir’s Geckos
Instagram: brittany_weirs_geckos
Locales: ML and PI
Country/State/Providence: MA, USA
Countries that you ship to: U.S
Name: Erin (Airen Hirschy)
Business Name: E.T. Geckos
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/etgeckos/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/etgeckos/
Locales: PI Only
Country/State/Providence: IL, USA
Countries that you ship to: USA
Name: Kevin Cantrell
Business Name: Passport Herpetoculture
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/passportherp/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/passportherp/
Locales: Isle of Pines
Country/State/Providence: California, USA
Countries that you ship to: USA
Name: Kyle & Krystal Salzmann
Business Name: Gekkonidazed Geckos
Website: https://www.gekkonidazed.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gekkonidazed/
Locales: Pine Island only
Country/State/Providence: Wisconsin, USA
Countries that you ship to: willing to ship to any approved exporter
Name: Serena Occhino
Business Name: Canvas Geckos
Website/Facebook- http://www.canvasgeckos.com https://www.facebook.com/canvasgeckos
Locales: GT & PI
Country/State/Providence: USA, Maryland
Countries that you ship to: Worldwide
Name: Neil Meister
Business Name: Geckomeister Captive-bred Geckos
Website:/Facebook: @Geckomeister.cbgeckos
Locales: PI and ML
Country/State/Providence: Nova Scotia, Canada
Countries that you ship to: Canada, US, Europe, Hong Kong, South Korea
Name: Nicola Shields
Business Name: Pocket Dragon Geckos NI
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pocket.dragon.geckos.4.n.i/
Locales: P.I. and mixed locale
Country/State/Providence: Northern Ireland/ Belfast/ United Kingdom.
Countries that you ship to: Ireland / Europe.
South America
South Pacific
Africa/Middle East
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